People eat a lot of foods that are non-nutritive: I know two year old's who eat paste, glue and crayons for pleasure. What about people who have pica? Those who have this disorder eat dirt, paper, clay and soap.
I would never tell you what to eat, and this is not about eating healthily (phew, thank god, you can keep reading!). However,... I care about you, and I have a very important question to ask: Are Pringles food? A few years back there was debate about whether Pringles were indeed a "potato chip", as they are made up of less than 50% potato product. The majority of the starch in Pringles is wheat, so Proctor & Gamble was forced to change the name to "potato crisp". Pringles are actually made of dehydrated potato flakes, and a special machine was developed which molds them into their now famous saddle shape.
So, does a Pringle fit the definition of food? (I am going so easy on you,I haven't even mentioned the Olestra debacle, that had folks on the "run" (yes, you remember!). Could Pringles sustain you on a desert island until help arrived? Probably, yes. Could you make better food choices when not fighting to survive? Please say yes, please say yes!
I do not have it in for Pringles. I think they are cute, and I remember the ads from the '70's. However, I want to make good food choices, and buying a "food" that isn't even made up of the item it pretends to be is not me at my educated consumer best. When I have a craving for potato chips I would reach for a bag of Cape Cod Chips that look like real potato slices fried in oil (yum!). (I do not work for Cape Cod Chips, I swear!)
How cool is this blog? I am not telling you to stop eating potato chips, I am asking you to eat real potato chips, or real whatever else it is that you want to eat. Get the real deal. We have the airline industry, the auto industry, the food industry?!! Yes, that's right, the industrial revolution changed the way we made our food. And there is a whole industry in place that will keep making up new "foods", fats and sweeteners as long as we continue to buy them.
I don't want you to pound your own corn and make your own tortilla chips. We have busy lives and we need a little help. Just think before you buy, go for the least processed, most real food you can find. To paraphrase Michael Pollan "If your grandmother wouldn't recognize it, it's not food."
Now, get out there and make me proud! Eat real food!
'Til next time,